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- Journey
- Official site. News, bio, discography, tour dates, lyrics, sound files, fan club info, forums, merchandise, online chat, links, etc.
- Sony Music Journey Page
- Record company page. News, information, tour dates, audio message from Steve Perry,
discography, sound files, links, etc.
- The Journey
Digest WWW Site
- Mailing List web site. News, information, mailing list info and archives, chat info,
discography, pictures, sound files, files, guestbook, links, etc.
- Faithful Ones Network
- Fan club page. Has new posted from people who've talked to band members and the band
members themselves. News, information, tour info, survey, signup form, links, etc.
- The
Journey Trivia WWW Page
- Fan page. News, information, trivia challenge, fan page, bio, chat page, pictures,
guestbook, links, etc.
- The
Departure Page
- Fan page. News, information, guest book, chat room, links, etc.
- Journey Tribute Page
- Fan page. News, information, tour dates, FAQ, time line, discography, videography,
articles, interviews, newsletter info, mailing list info, chat info, arcade game
information, tribute band info, Journey Convention 98 info, lyrics, pictures, sound files,
multimedia files, links, etc.
- Journey Fans Network
- News, information, Steve Perry Mailing List info, tour dates, convention info, fan
database, interviews, discography, lyrics, reviews, pictures, links, etc.
- Journey Fans Net
- Fan pictures.
- The Monker's
Journey Page
- Fan page. History, pictures, discography, links, etc.
- Dominic's
Journey Page
- Fan page. Autograph, pictures, links. Outdated.
- Tara's
Journey Jam
- Fan page. Discography, links. Outdated.
- Journey
Graphics Page
- Assorted Journey graphics.
- Journey
- Discography.
- Journey iMusic
Bulletin Board
- Journey UBL Listing
- Page on the Ultimate Band List. Links to other Journey related sites.
- The Journey
Digest Mailing List
- Unmoderated, fan discussion list. Low to medium traffic, but can get busy at times. The
band doesn't seem to get involved at all (or anyone related to the band) and it
occasionally suffers from "imposter syndrome", where people post pretending to
be band members. However, some of the posters have stories about meeting the band members,
and sections from interviews from the old fan club newsletter have been posted. To
subscribe e-mail with
subscribe journey-l or subscribe journey-l-digest in the body of the message.
- #deepgroove on
- The Journey/Storm
Chat Room
- WWW based (Java). Can also get in through IRC to channel #jrnystorm.
- Another
WWW based Journey Chat
Journey CDs, tapes, records, and related merchandise at GEMM

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